1 Items by auctions and galleries:
ernst vijlbrief (1935 - 2010)
Lot 17 Ernst Vijlbrief
Ernst Vijlbrief (1935 - 2010)
A1175: Towards Abstraction 

Ernst Vijlbrief
25.11.1935 - 27.12.2010
The Netherlands
Ernst Vijlbrief is a Dutch visual artist and board member of several artists' associations, including Beroepsvereniging van Beeldende Kunstenaars.
Ernst Vijlbrief worked in various techniques, he also created calligraphic improvisations on paper.
His painting style in the 1950s was expressionist, in line with Cobra's style. Around 1968 he made a series of figurative drawings. In 1970 he created the sculpture The Captain, an allusion to Edy de Wilde as director of the Stedelijk Museum, which was shown at Galerie Kristiaan in Amsterdam.

VAN HAM Kunstauktionen GmbH
A1175: Towards Abstraction
Date: 27.04.2023 18:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 110